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Merck 8203540002 姜黄素 (C₂₁H₂₀O₆; Glass bottle 2 g)

CAS number: 458-37-7

EC number: 207-280-5

Hill Formula: C₂₁H₂₀O₆

Chemical formula: [4-(OH)-3-(CH₃O)C₆H₃CH=CHCO]₂CH₂

Molar Mass: 368.39 g/mol

Assay (HPLC, area%): ≥ 75.0 % (a/a)

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (HPLC; Area%): ≤ 5.0 % (a/a)

Demethoxycurcumin (HPLC; Area%): ≤ 20.0 % (a/a)

Identity (IR): passes test



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  • 正品保修
  • 送货到家
  • 交易简单化

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