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KEYSIGHT U3816A 物联网无线通信和法规遵从性,包括培训工具套装、教学幻灯片和实验表

• University subjects: IoT systems, Embedded systems, IoT wireless communication, Advance IoT, Pre-conformance and pre-compliance, Network Security 

• Years of study: Third to final year undergraduates

• Prerequisites(s): Basic programming, Signals and Systems, Electromagnetics

Recommended instruments/software for lab setup:

- N9000B CXA Signal Analyzer - Multi-touch, 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz

- U3830A Anechoic Chamber - Portable Wireless Anechoic Test Chamber

- 89600 VSA software – Vector signal analysis tool for demodulation and vector signal analysis.

- N9077EM0E, N9081EM0E and N6141EM0E - X series measurement application (WLAN,  Bluetooth®, EMI) - benchtop and modular signal analyzers

The teaching slides are editable and cover the following topics:

1. Overview of IoT Connectivity

2. Principles of Wireless Communications

3. Wireless Standards for IoT

4. Wireless Networking

5. Test and Measurement for Wireless Connectivity

6. IoT Device Security Case studies - Public safety (LTE/ Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)), Smart home (WLAN), Energy Management (Zigbee),  Healthcare (Bluetooth®), Smart City (6LoWPAN)

Lab sheets

1. Setup the U3810 and a 3-Node Zigbee Network

2. BLE Design, Validation, Pre-Conformance and Pre-Compliance Testing

3. Zigbee Design, Validation, Pre-Conformance and Pre-Compliance Testing

4. WLAN Design, Validation, Pre-Conformance and Pre-Compliance Testing

5. LoRa Design, Validation, Pre-Conformance and Pre-Compliance Testing (Wired mode LoRa setup)

6. Advanced Modulation Analysis for BLE and ZigBee, and Coexistence Testing

7. Advanced IoT Network and Device Security

8. IoT Device Protocol Request Response Cycle and Network Security

A1. LoRa Remote Sensor Node

A2. Securing a ZigBee Sensor Network



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