TOA DKK WM-32EP Handheld Electrical Conductivity/pH Meter (0~14pH; 0~±2000mV; 0-100.0℃)
Manufacturer: TOA DKK Model: WM-32EP Origin: Japan Guarantee: 12 Month - Contact
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Hanoi city: (024) 35.381.269
Danang city: (023) 63.747.711
Bac Ninh city: (0222)730.39.68
HCM city: (028) 38.119.636
-Measuring Method:
+pH: Glass electrode method;
+Electrical conductivity: AC two-electrode method
-Display: Custom LCD (simultaneous display of dual channel measured data)
-Sensor connection:
+CH1: Electrical Conductivity
+CH2: pH、ORP
-Meas. Range:
pH: 0.00-14.00
ORP : 0-±2000mV
Temperature: 0-100.0℃
[If standard cell is used]
Electrical conductivity: 0.1mS/m-10 S/m
Electrical resistivity: 0.1Ω・m-10kΩ・m
Salinity (NaCl equivalent obtained by electrical conductivity): 0-4.00%
Temperature: 0-80.0℃
*If the cell for tabletop use is used, the measuring range differs according to the cell that is used.
-Display Range:
+pH: -2.00-16.00
+ORP: 0-±2200mV
+Electrical conductivity:
+Electrical resistivity: 0.005-2.000Ω・m
+Salinity (NaCl): 0-4.04%
+Temperature: -5-110.0℃
* In regards to the range, the electrical conductivity/resistivity differs according to the cell that is used
-Electrical Conductivity/Resistivity Range Switching: Auto/manual
-Electrical Conductivity/ Resistivity Unit Switching: Can switch between SI Units (S/m, Ω ・ m) and the previous units (S/cm, Ω・cm).
-Repeatability (Main unit):
+pH: ±0.02pH
+ORP: ±2mV
+Electrical conductivity: ±0.5%FS
+Electrical resistivity: ±0.5%FS
+Salinity: ±0.5% FS
+Temperature: ±0.2℃
-Temperature compensation:
+pH: Auto/Manual
+Electrical Conductivity/ Resistivity: Switch setting between Auto/Manual/None
+Temperature compensation method: Linear method
+Reference temperature : 25℃
+Temperature coefficient: 0-9.99% (optional setting) Not applied to ORP
+pH: Capable of three-point calibration
+Electrical conductivity: Cell constant calibration
-Temperature Calibration: One-point calibration
-Data Memory: 1000 data points
-Auto Hold Function: Provided (Stability threshold : Fixed)
-Clock Function: Provided (To be shown while conducting a measurement)
-Interval Memory Function: Provided (Interval: The interval can be specified between 1 sec.-99 min. 59 sec. or 2 sec.-99hr. 59 min.)
-Printing Function: Can connect the external printer EPS-P30 (option)
-RS-232C Interface (non-isolated):
+Connectable Devices: PC or external printer EPS-P30 (option)
+Communication Specifications: Communication system: Start-stop synchronous method; Baud rate: 19,200 bps;
Character length: 8 bits; Parity: None; Stop bit: 1 bit
-Analog Output (non-isolated):
+Number of Outputs/Items:
ch1: Number of outputs: 3 Measured value, temperature, and range (only for electrical conductivity/resistivity)
ch2: Number of outputs: 2 Measured value and temperature
+Output Specification: pH: ±700mV (pH0-14); ORP : ±1V (0-±2000mV); resistivity/ salinity: 0-1V FS (each range);
Range: 100 mV/range; Temperature: 0-1V (0-100℃ )
-Waterproof Construction: IP67 (Enabled if the sensor is connected and if the external I/O portions are masked) (Can be immersed in water for 1m and 30 min.)
-Performance Compensation Temperature: 0-45℃
-Power Source: AA alkaline battery/nickel-hydrogen battery (2 pieces) or special AC adapter (6VA option)
-Power Consumption(If 3 volt battery is used)*2: Approx. 0.009W
-Battery Life: Approx. 600hours
-Outside Dimensions: Approx. 68 (w) x 35 (h) x 173 (d) mm
-Mass (Including Batteries): Approx. 300g
+ Main unit
+ Conductivity Sensor: CT-27112B
+ pH Sensor: GST-2729C
+ Standard solution pH 6.86, 100mL
+ Standard solution pH 6.86, 100mL
+ Internal filling solution 50mL
+ Beakers (3 pcs)
+ Hand strap: OTZ00006
+ AA battery (2pcs)
+ Connector protective cap: OTD00001
+ Manual
-Tính năng:
+ Màn hình có 2 kênh, đo đồng thời và hiển thị độ pH/độ dẫn
+ Thiết kế tiết kiệm điện; pin có thể sạc lại được
+ Thiết kế chống thấm nước (IP67, ngâm sâu 1m, tối đa 30 phút)
+ Lưu trữ dữ liệu lên đến 1000 dữ điểm
+ PC và máy in ngoài có thể kết nối
Các hạng mục đo lường:
pH, ORP, độ dẫn điện, điện trở suất, độ mặn, nhiệt độ
(Điện cực ORP được bán riêng)
Ứng dụng: Dùng để độ dẫn điện, điện trở, độ mặn, pH, ORP, nhiệt độ trong phòng thí nghiệm
- Quality Engagement
- Easy change and return
- Delivery Avaliable
- Favorable payment