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TTI PSA6005 Spectrum Analyzers


Frequency Span

Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 3600 MHz (PSA3605)

10 MHz to 6000 MHz (PSA6005)

Setting Modes: Centre frequency plus Span,

or Start plus Stop frequencies

Maximum Span: 5990 MHz (PSA6005)

3590 MHz (PSA3605)

Minimum Span: 27 kHz, or Zero Span with demodulation

Set. Resolution: 100 Hz at any frequency

Setting Accuracy: Reference Frequency Accuracy for Start,

Stop & Centre (Zero-Span) frequencies

Reference Frequency Accuracy

Initial Accuracy: Better than ± 1 ppm at 20 o


Stability: Better than ± 1 ppm over 10 o

C to 30 o


Ageing: Better than ± 1 ppm per year

Phase Noise (Typical)

Carrier at 1 GHz: -83 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset

-99 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-116 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

Carrier at 3 GHz: -94 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset

-109 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-117 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

Carrier at 6 GHz: -83 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset

 (PSA6005 only) -97 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset

-114 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset

Resolution Bandwidth

RBW: Selectable between 10 MHz and 300 Hz

selectable in 1:3:10 sequence, or Auto

Video Filtering: Selectable between 10 MHz and 300 Hz

selectable in 1:3:10 sequence, or RBW Tracking


No. of Markers: One, Two (or None)

Resolution: 0.1 kHz at all frequencies

Marker Accuracy: 1/270th of Span ± 10Hz plus reference

 frequency accuracy.

Readout: The frequencies at the marker points and

the frequency difference are displayed

Functions: Normal (Scroll Mode), Peak Find Mode,

Peak Track Mode, Frequency Measurement

Marker Frequency Counter

Frequency counted at the current active marker (M1 or M2) in

sweep or zero-span mode

Resolution: 10Hz, 100Hz or 1kHz

Accuracy: Reference frequency accuracy +/- 1 count

for signal > noise level +25dB

Channel Markers (only with Option U02)

Channel markers are a special case of Limit Patterns (see

Amplitude Limits within next section). Channel markers are

vertical lines at frequency points defined within a file. Most

commonly they will be used to mark channel centre frequencies

or channel boundaries.

No. of Points: Up to two files, each containing up to 49

points, can be displayed in differing colours.

Marker Files: Files are created using PSA-Manager

software. Up to 999 files can be stored.


Amplitude Range

Units: Selectable as dBm or dBµV

Display Range: 84 dB from reference level

Magnification: x2, x5 or x10

Reference Level: Selectable between -40dBm and +20 dBm

(67dBµV to 127dBµV) in 1dB steps

Amplitude Accuracy

Calibration Level

Accuracy: Better than ± 1 dB at 10dB below ref.

level @ 2000MHz (20o

C ± 5o


Flatness: Better than ± 1 dB relative to 2000MHz

over the the full operating frequency range

Linearity: Better than ± 1 dB over 60dB range down

from the reference level


No. of Markers: One, Two (or None)

Resolution: 0.1 dB

Readout: The level at the marker points and

difference are displayed.

Displayed Units: dBm, dBuV, mV or uW

Functions: Normal (Scroll Mode), Peak Find Mode,

Peak Track Mode, Frequency Measurement

Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)

DANL: Better than – 120 dBm (-13 dBuV) average

displayed noise floor (ref. level = – 40 dBm

RBW = 10 kHz, VBW = 1 kHz, span 1 MHz)

for frequency range 10MHz to 5.5GHz

Noise per Hz Better than -160 dBm/Hz equivalent


Size: 192mm high x 92mm wide x 49mm deep

(height excludes RF input connector)

Weight: 580 grms.

Tilt Stand: Built-in tilt stand for bench use which angles

the unit at 40 degrees to the horizontal.

Stylus: Casing incorporates plug-in stylus.



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